Source code for

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Iterable
from numbers import Integral, Real
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np

import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from openmc.mixin import EqualityMixin
from openmc.stats.univariate import Univariate, Tabular, Discrete, Mixture
from .data import EV_PER_MEV
from .endf import get_tab1_record, get_tab2_record
from .function import Tabulated1D, INTERPOLATION_SCHEME

[docs]class EnergyDistribution(EqualityMixin, ABC): """Abstract superclass for all energy distributions.""" def __init__(self): pass @abstractmethod def to_hdf5(self, group): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def from_hdf5(group): """Generate energy distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Energy distribution """ energy_type = group.attrs['type'].decode() if energy_type == 'maxwell': return MaxwellEnergy.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'evaporation': return Evaporation.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'watt': return WattEnergy.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'madland-nix': return MadlandNix.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'discrete_photon': return DiscretePhoton.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'level': return LevelInelastic.from_hdf5(group) elif energy_type == 'continuous': return ContinuousTabular.from_hdf5(group) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown energy distribution type: {energy_type}")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_endf(file_obj, params): """Generate energy distribution from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- A sub-class of :class:`` """ lf = params[3] if lf == 1: return ArbitraryTabulated.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 5: return GeneralEvaporation.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 7: return MaxwellEnergy.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 9: return Evaporation.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 11: return WattEnergy.from_endf(file_obj, params) elif lf == 12: return MadlandNix.from_endf(file_obj, params)
[docs]class ArbitraryTabulated(EnergyDistribution): r"""Arbitrary tabulated function given in ENDF MF=5, LF=1 represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = g(E \rightarrow E') Parameters ---------- energy : numpy.ndarray Array of incident neutron energies pdf : list of Tabulated outgoing energy distribution probability density functions Attributes ---------- energy : numpy.ndarray Array of incident neutron energies pdf : list of Tabulated outgoing energy distribution probability density functions """ def __init__(self, energy, pdf): super().__init__() = energy self.pdf = pdf def to_hdf5(self, group): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate arbitrary tabulated distribution from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Arbitrary tabulated distribution """ params, tab2 = get_tab2_record(file_obj) n_energies = params[5] energy = np.zeros(n_energies) pdf = [] for j in range(n_energies): params, func = get_tab1_record(file_obj) energy[j] = params[1] pdf.append(func) return cls(energy, pdf)
[docs]class GeneralEvaporation(EnergyDistribution): r"""General evaporation spectrum given in ENDF MF=5, LF=5 represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = g(E'/\theta(E)) Parameters ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy :math:`E` g : Tabulated function of :math:`x = E'/\theta(E)` u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` Attributes ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy :math:`E` g : Tabulated function of :math:`x = E'/\theta(E)` u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` """ def __init__(self, theta, g, u): super().__init__() self.theta = theta self.g = g self.u = u def to_hdf5(self, group): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, idx=0): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate general evaporation spectrum from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- General evaporation spectrum """ u = params[0] params, theta = get_tab1_record(file_obj) params, g = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return cls(theta, g, u)
[docs]class MaxwellEnergy(EnergyDistribution): r"""Simple Maxwellian fission spectrum represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = \frac{\sqrt{E'}}{I} e^{-E'/\theta(E)} Parameters ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` Attributes ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` """ def __init__(self, theta, u): super().__init__() self.theta = theta self.u = u @property def theta(self): return self._theta @theta.setter def theta(self, theta): cv.check_type('Maxwell theta', theta, Tabulated1D) self._theta = theta @property def u(self): return self._u @u.setter def u(self, u): cv.check_type('Maxwell restriction energy', u, Real) self._u = u
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.bytes_('maxwell') group.attrs['u'] = self.u self.theta.to_hdf5(group, 'theta')
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate Maxwell distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Maxwell distribution """ theta = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['theta']) u = group.attrs['u'] return cls(theta, u)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, idx=0): """Create a Maxwell distribution from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Maxwell distribution """ # Read nuclear temperature -- since units are MeV, convert to eV theta = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) theta.y *= EV_PER_MEV # Restriction energy nr = int(ace.xss[idx]) ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*nr]) u = ace.xss[idx + 2 + 2*nr + 2*ne]*EV_PER_MEV return cls(theta, u)
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate Maxwell distribution from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Maxwell distribution """ u = params[0] params, theta = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return cls(theta, u)
[docs]class Evaporation(EnergyDistribution): r"""Evaporation spectrum represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = \frac{E'}{I} e^{-E'/\theta(E)} Parameters ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` Attributes ---------- theta : Tabulated function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` """ def __init__(self, theta, u): super().__init__() self.theta = theta self.u = u @property def theta(self): return self._theta @theta.setter def theta(self, theta): cv.check_type('Evaporation theta', theta, Tabulated1D) self._theta = theta @property def u(self): return self._u @u.setter def u(self, u): cv.check_type('Evaporation restriction energy', u, Real) self._u = u
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.bytes_('evaporation') group.attrs['u'] = self.u self.theta.to_hdf5(group, 'theta')
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate evaporation spectrum from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Evaporation spectrum """ theta = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['theta']) u = group.attrs['u'] return cls(theta, u)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, idx=0): """Create an evaporation spectrum from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Evaporation spectrum """ # Read nuclear temperature -- since units are MeV, convert to eV theta = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) theta.y *= EV_PER_MEV # Restriction energy nr = int(ace.xss[idx]) ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*nr]) u = ace.xss[idx + 2 + 2*nr + 2*ne]*EV_PER_MEV return cls(theta, u)
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate evaporation spectrum from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Evaporation spectrum """ u = params[0] params, theta = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return cls(theta, u)
[docs]class WattEnergy(EnergyDistribution): r"""Energy-dependent Watt spectrum represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = \frac{e^{-E'/a}}{I} \sinh \left ( \sqrt{bE'} \right ) Parameters ---------- a, b : Energy-dependent parameters tabulated as function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` Attributes ---------- a, b : Energy-dependent parameters tabulated as function of incident neutron energy u : float Constant introduced to define the proper upper limit for the final particle energy such that :math:`0 \le E' \le E - U` """ def __init__(self, a, b, u): super().__init__() self.a = a self.b = b self.u = u @property def a(self): return self._a @a.setter def a(self, a): cv.check_type('Watt a', a, Tabulated1D) self._a = a @property def b(self): return self._b @b.setter def b(self, b): cv.check_type('Watt b', b, Tabulated1D) self._b = b @property def u(self): return self._u @u.setter def u(self, u): cv.check_type('Watt restriction energy', u, Real) self._u = u
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.bytes_('watt') group.attrs['u'] = self.u self.a.to_hdf5(group, 'a') self.b.to_hdf5(group, 'b')
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate Watt fission spectrum from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Watt fission spectrum """ a = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['a']) b = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['b']) u = group.attrs['u'] return cls(a, b, u)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, idx): """Create a Watt fission spectrum from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Watt fission spectrum """ # Energy-dependent a parameter -- units are MeV, convert to eV a = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) a.y *= EV_PER_MEV # Advance index nr = int(ace.xss[idx]) ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*nr]) idx += 2 + 2*nr + 2*ne # Energy-dependent b parameter -- units are MeV^-1 b = Tabulated1D.from_ace(ace, idx) b.y /= EV_PER_MEV # Advance index nr = int(ace.xss[idx]) ne = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*nr]) idx += 2 + 2*nr + 2*ne # Restriction energy u = ace.xss[idx]*EV_PER_MEV return cls(a, b, u)
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate Watt fission spectrum from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Watt fission spectrum """ u = params[0] params, a = get_tab1_record(file_obj) params, b = get_tab1_record(file_obj) return cls(a, b, u)
[docs]class MadlandNix(EnergyDistribution): r"""Energy-dependent fission neutron spectrum (Madland and Nix) given in ENDF MF=5, LF=12 represented as .. math:: f(E \rightarrow E') = \frac{1}{2} [ g(E', E_F(L)) + g(E', E_F(H))] where .. math:: g(E',E_F) = \frac{1}{3\sqrt{E_F T_M}} \left [ u_2^{3/2} E_1 (u_2) - u_1^{3/2} E_1 (u_1) + \gamma \left ( \frac{3}{2}, u_2 \right ) - \gamma \left ( \frac{3}{2}, u_1 \right ) \right ] \\ u_1 = \left ( \sqrt{E'} - \sqrt{E_F} \right )^2 / T_M \\ u_2 = \left ( \sqrt{E'} + \sqrt{E_F} \right )^2 / T_M. Parameters ---------- efl, efh : float Constants which represent the average kinetic energy per nucleon of the fission fragment (efl = light, efh = heavy) tm : Parameter tabulated as a function of incident neutron energy Attributes ---------- efl, efh : float Constants which represent the average kinetic energy per nucleon of the fission fragment (efl = light, efh = heavy) tm : Parameter tabulated as a function of incident neutron energy """ def __init__(self, efl, efh, tm): super().__init__() self.efl = efl self.efh = efh = tm @property def efl(self): return self._efl @efl.setter def efl(self, efl): name = 'Madland-Nix light fragment energy' cv.check_type(name, efl, Real) cv.check_greater_than(name, efl, 0.) self._efl = efl @property def efh(self): return self._efh @efh.setter def efh(self, efh): name = 'Madland-Nix heavy fragment energy' cv.check_type(name, efh, Real) cv.check_greater_than(name, efh, 0.) self._efh = efh @property def tm(self): return self._tm @tm.setter def tm(self, tm): cv.check_type('Madland-Nix maximum temperature', tm, Tabulated1D) self._tm = tm
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.bytes_('madland-nix') group.attrs['efl'] = self.efl group.attrs['efh'] = self.efh
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate Madland-Nix fission spectrum from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Madland-Nix fission spectrum """ efl = group.attrs['efl'] efh = group.attrs['efh'] tm = Tabulated1D.from_hdf5(group['tm']) return cls(efl, efh, tm)
[docs] @classmethod def from_endf(cls, file_obj, params): """Generate Madland-Nix fission spectrum from an ENDF evaluation Parameters ---------- file_obj : file-like object ENDF file positioned at the start of a section for an energy distribution. params : list List of parameters at the start of the energy distribution that includes the LF value indicating what type of energy distribution is present. Returns ------- Madland-Nix fission spectrum """ params, tm = get_tab1_record(file_obj) efl, efh = params[0:2] return cls(efl, efh, tm)
[docs]class DiscretePhoton(EnergyDistribution): """Discrete photon energy distribution Parameters ---------- primary_flag : int Indicator of whether the photon is a primary or non-primary photon. energy : float Photon energy (if lp==0 or lp==1) or binding energy (if lp==2). atomic_weight_ratio : float Atomic weight ratio of the target nuclide responsible for the emitted particle Attributes ---------- primary_flag : int Indicator of whether the photon is a primary or non-primary photon. energy : float Photon energy (if lp==0 or lp==1) or binding energy (if lp==2). atomic_weight_ratio : float Atomic weight ratio of the target nuclide responsible for the emitted particle """ def __init__(self, primary_flag, energy, atomic_weight_ratio): super().__init__() self.primary_flag = primary_flag = energy self.atomic_weight_ratio = atomic_weight_ratio @property def primary_flag(self): return self._primary_flag @primary_flag.setter def primary_flag(self, primary_flag): cv.check_type('discrete photon primary_flag', primary_flag, Integral) self._primary_flag = primary_flag @property def energy(self): return self._energy @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): cv.check_type('discrete photon energy', energy, Real) self._energy = energy @property def atomic_weight_ratio(self): return self._atomic_weight_ratio @atomic_weight_ratio.setter def atomic_weight_ratio(self, atomic_weight_ratio): cv.check_type('atomic weight ratio', atomic_weight_ratio, Real) self._atomic_weight_ratio = atomic_weight_ratio
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.bytes_('discrete_photon') group.attrs['primary_flag'] = self.primary_flag group.attrs['energy'] = group.attrs['atomic_weight_ratio'] = self.atomic_weight_ratio
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate discrete photon energy distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Discrete photon energy distribution """ primary_flag = group.attrs['primary_flag'] energy = group.attrs['energy'] awr = group.attrs['atomic_weight_ratio'] return cls(primary_flag, energy, awr)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, idx): """Generate discrete photon energy distribution from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Discrete photon energy distribution """ primary_flag = int(ace.xss[idx]) energy = ace.xss[idx + 1]*EV_PER_MEV return cls(primary_flag, energy, ace.atomic_weight_ratio)
[docs]class LevelInelastic(EnergyDistribution): r"""Level inelastic scattering Parameters ---------- threshold : float Energy threshold in the laboratory system, :math:`(A + 1)/A * |Q|` mass_ratio : float :math:`(A/(A + 1))^2` Attributes ---------- threshold : float Energy threshold in the laboratory system, :math:`(A + 1)/A * |Q|` mass_ratio : float :math:`(A/(A + 1))^2` """ def __init__(self, threshold, mass_ratio): super().__init__() self.threshold = threshold self.mass_ratio = mass_ratio @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, threshold): cv.check_type('level inelastic threhsold', threshold, Real) self._threshold = threshold @property def mass_ratio(self): return self._mass_ratio @mass_ratio.setter def mass_ratio(self, mass_ratio): cv.check_type('level inelastic mass ratio', mass_ratio, Real) self._mass_ratio = mass_ratio
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.bytes_('level') group.attrs['threshold'] = self.threshold group.attrs['mass_ratio'] = self.mass_ratio
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate level inelastic distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Level inelastic scattering distribution """ threshold = group.attrs['threshold'] mass_ratio = group.attrs['mass_ratio'] return cls(threshold, mass_ratio)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, idx): """Generate level inelastic distribution from an ACE table Parameters ---------- ace : An ACE table idx : int Offset to read from in XSS array (default of zero) Returns ------- Level inelastic scattering distribution """ threshold = ace.xss[idx]*EV_PER_MEV mass_ratio = ace.xss[idx + 1] return cls(threshold, mass_ratio)
[docs]class ContinuousTabular(EnergyDistribution): """Continuous tabular distribution Parameters ---------- breakpoints : Iterable of int Breakpoints defining interpolation regions interpolation : Iterable of int Interpolation codes energy : Iterable of float Incoming energies at which distributions exist energy_out : Iterable of openmc.stats.Univariate Distribution of outgoing energies corresponding to each incoming energy Attributes ---------- breakpoints : Iterable of int Breakpoints defining interpolation regions interpolation : Iterable of int Interpolation codes energy : Iterable of float Incoming energies at which distributions exist energy_out : Iterable of openmc.stats.Univariate Distribution of outgoing energies corresponding to each incoming energy """ def __init__(self, breakpoints, interpolation, energy, energy_out): super().__init__() self.breakpoints = breakpoints self.interpolation = interpolation = energy self.energy_out = energy_out @property def breakpoints(self): return self._breakpoints @breakpoints.setter def breakpoints(self, breakpoints): cv.check_type('continuous tabular breakpoints', breakpoints, Iterable, Integral) self._breakpoints = breakpoints @property def interpolation(self): return self._interpolation @interpolation.setter def interpolation(self, interpolation): cv.check_type('continuous tabular interpolation', interpolation, Iterable, Integral) self._interpolation = interpolation @property def energy(self): return self._energy @energy.setter def energy(self, energy): cv.check_type('continuous tabular incoming energy', energy, Iterable, Real) self._energy = energy @property def energy_out(self): return self._energy_out @energy_out.setter def energy_out(self, energy_out): cv.check_type('continuous tabular outgoing energy', energy_out, Iterable, Univariate) self._energy_out = energy_out
[docs] def to_hdf5(self, group): """Write distribution to an HDF5 group Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to write to """ group.attrs['type'] = np.bytes_('continuous') dset = group.create_dataset('energy', dset.attrs['interpolation'] = np.vstack((self.breakpoints, self.interpolation)) # Determine total number of (E,p) pairs and create array n_pairs = sum(len(d) for d in self.energy_out) pairs = np.empty((3, n_pairs)) # Create array for offsets offsets = np.empty(len(self.energy_out), dtype=int) interpolation = np.empty(len(self.energy_out), dtype=int) n_discrete_lines = np.empty(len(self.energy_out), dtype=int) j = 0 # Populate offsets and pairs array for i, eout in enumerate(self.energy_out): n = len(eout) offsets[i] = j if isinstance(eout, Mixture): discrete, continuous = eout.distribution n_discrete_lines[i] = m = len(discrete) interpolation[i] = 1 if continuous.interpolation == 'histogram' else 2 pairs[0, j:j+m] = discrete.x pairs[1, j:j+m] = discrete.p pairs[2, j:j+m] = discrete.c pairs[0, j+m:j+n] = continuous.x pairs[1, j+m:j+n] = continuous.p pairs[2, j+m:j+n] = continuous.c else: if isinstance(eout, Tabular): n_discrete_lines[i] = 0 interpolation[i] = 1 if eout.interpolation == 'histogram' else 2 elif isinstance(eout, Discrete): n_discrete_lines[i] = n interpolation[i] = 1 pairs[0, j:j+n] = eout.x pairs[1, j:j+n] = eout.p pairs[2, j:j+n] = eout.c j += n # Create dataset for distributions dset = group.create_dataset('distribution', data=pairs) # Write interpolation as attribute dset.attrs['offsets'] = offsets dset.attrs['interpolation'] = interpolation dset.attrs['n_discrete_lines'] = n_discrete_lines
[docs] @classmethod def from_hdf5(cls, group): """Generate continuous tabular distribution from HDF5 data Parameters ---------- group : h5py.Group HDF5 group to read from Returns ------- Continuous tabular energy distribution """ interp_data = group['energy'].attrs['interpolation'] energy_breakpoints = interp_data[0, :] energy_interpolation = interp_data[1, :] energy = group['energy'][()] data = group['distribution'] offsets = data.attrs['offsets'] interpolation = data.attrs['interpolation'] n_discrete_lines = data.attrs['n_discrete_lines'] energy_out = [] n_energy = len(energy) for i in range(n_energy): # Determine length of outgoing energy distribution and number of # discrete lines j = offsets[i] if i < n_energy - 1: n = offsets[i+1] - j else: n = data.shape[1] - j m = n_discrete_lines[i] # Create discrete distribution if lines are present if m > 0: eout_discrete = Discrete(data[0, j:j+m], data[1, j:j+m]) eout_discrete.c = data[2, j:j+m] p_discrete = eout_discrete.c[-1] # Create continuous distribution if m < n: interp = INTERPOLATION_SCHEME[interpolation[i]] eout_continuous = Tabular(data[0, j+m:j+n], data[1, j+m:j+n], interp) eout_continuous.c = data[2, j+m:j+n] # If both continuous and discrete are present, create a mixture # distribution if m == 0: eout_i = eout_continuous elif m == n: eout_i = eout_discrete else: eout_i = Mixture([p_discrete, 1. - p_discrete], [eout_discrete, eout_continuous]) energy_out.append(eout_i) return cls(energy_breakpoints, energy_interpolation, energy, energy_out)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ace(cls, ace, idx, ldis): """Generate continuous tabular energy distribution from ACE data Parameters ---------- ace : ACE table to read from idx : int Index in XSS array of the start of the energy distribution data (LDIS + LOCC - 1) ldis : int Index in XSS array of the start of the energy distribution block (e.g. JXS[11]) Returns ------- Continuous tabular energy distribution """ # Read number of interpolation regions and incoming energies n_regions = int(ace.xss[idx]) n_energy_in = int(ace.xss[idx + 1 + 2*n_regions]) # Get interpolation information idx += 1 if n_regions > 0: breakpoints = ace.xss[idx:idx + n_regions].astype(int) interpolation = ace.xss[idx + n_regions:idx + 2*n_regions].astype(int) else: breakpoints = np.array([n_energy_in]) interpolation = np.array([2]) # Incoming energies at which distributions exist idx += 2*n_regions + 1 energy = ace.xss[idx:idx + n_energy_in]*EV_PER_MEV # Location of distributions idx += n_energy_in loc_dist = ace.xss[idx:idx + n_energy_in].astype(int) # Initialize variables energy_out = [] # Read each outgoing energy distribution for i in range(n_energy_in): idx = ldis + loc_dist[i] - 1 # intt = interpolation scheme (1=hist, 2=lin-lin) INTTp = int(ace.xss[idx]) intt = INTTp % 10 n_discrete_lines = (INTTp - intt)//10 if intt not in (1, 2): warn("Interpolation scheme for continuous tabular distribution " "is not histogram or linear-linear.") intt = 2 n_energy_out = int(ace.xss[idx + 1]) data = ace.xss[idx + 2:idx + 2 + 3*n_energy_out].copy() data.shape = (3, n_energy_out) data[0,:] *= EV_PER_MEV # Create continuous distribution eout_continuous = Tabular(data[0][n_discrete_lines:], data[1][n_discrete_lines:]/EV_PER_MEV, INTERPOLATION_SCHEME[intt]) eout_continuous.c = data[2][n_discrete_lines:] # If discrete lines are present, create a mixture distribution if n_discrete_lines > 0: eout_discrete = Discrete(data[0][:n_discrete_lines], data[1][:n_discrete_lines]) eout_discrete.c = data[2][:n_discrete_lines] if n_discrete_lines == n_energy_out: eout_i = eout_discrete else: p_discrete = min(sum(eout_discrete.p), 1.0) eout_i = Mixture([p_discrete, 1. - p_discrete], [eout_discrete, eout_continuous]) else: eout_i = eout_continuous energy_out.append(eout_i) return cls(breakpoints, interpolation, energy, energy_out)