Source code for openmc.trigger

from import Iterable
from numbers import Real

import lxml.etree as ET

import openmc.checkvalue as cv
from .mixin import EqualityMixin

[docs]class Trigger(EqualityMixin): """A criterion for when to finish a simulation based on tally uncertainties. Parameters ---------- trigger_type : {'variance', 'std_dev', 'rel_err'} Determine whether to trigger on the variance, standard deviation, or relative error of scores. threshold : float The threshold for the trigger type. ignore_zeros : bool Whether to allow zero tally bins to be ignored. Note that this option can cause the trigger to fire prematurely if there are zero scores in any bin at the first evaluation. .. versionadded:: 0.14.1 Attributes ---------- trigger_type : {'variance', 'std_dev', 'rel_err'} Determine whether to trigger on the variance, standard deviation, or relative error of scores. threshold : float The threshold for the trigger type. scores : list of str Scores which should be checked against the trigger ignore_zeros : bool Whether to allow zero tally bins to be ignored. """ def __init__(self, trigger_type: str, threshold: float, ignore_zeros: bool = False): self.trigger_type = trigger_type self.threshold = threshold self.ignore_zeros = ignore_zeros self._scores = [] def __repr__(self): string = 'Trigger\n' string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tType', self._trigger_type) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tThreshold', self._threshold) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tIgnore Zeros', self._ignore_zeros) string += '{: <16}=\t{}\n'.format('\tScores', self._scores) return string @property def trigger_type(self): return self._trigger_type @trigger_type.setter def trigger_type(self, trigger_type): cv.check_value('tally trigger type', trigger_type, ['variance', 'std_dev', 'rel_err']) self._trigger_type = trigger_type @property def threshold(self): return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, threshold): cv.check_type('tally trigger threshold', threshold, Real) self._threshold = threshold @property def ignore_zeros(self): return self._ignore_zeros @ignore_zeros.setter def ignore_zeros(self, ignore_zeros): cv.check_type('tally trigger ignores zeros', ignore_zeros, bool) self._ignore_zeros = ignore_zeros @property def scores(self): return self._scores @scores.setter def scores(self, scores): cv.check_type('trigger scores', scores, Iterable, str) # Set scores making sure not to have duplicates self._scores = [] for score in scores: if score not in self._scores: self._scores.append(score)
[docs] def to_xml_element(self): """Return XML representation of the trigger Returns ------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element containing trigger data """ element = ET.Element("trigger") element.set("type", self._trigger_type) element.set("threshold", str(self._threshold)) if self._ignore_zeros: element.set("ignore_zeros", "true") if len(self._scores) != 0: element.set("scores", ' '.join(self._scores)) return element
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, elem: ET.Element): """Generate trigger object from an XML element Parameters ---------- elem : lxml.etree._Element XML element Returns ------- openmc.Trigger Trigger object """ # Generate trigger object trigger_type = elem.get("type") threshold = float(elem.get("threshold")) ignore_zeros = str(elem.get("ignore_zeros", "false")).lower() # Try to convert to bool. Let Trigger error out on instantiation. ignore_zeros = ignore_zeros in ('true', '1') trigger = cls(trigger_type, threshold, ignore_zeros) # Add scores if present scores = elem.get("scores") if scores is not None: trigger.scores = scores.split() return trigger