Source code for openmc.deplete.nuclide

"""Nuclide module.xml.etree.Ele

Contains the per-nuclide components of a depletion chain.

import bisect
from import Mapping
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from warnings import warn
from numbers import Real

import lxml.etree as ET
import numpy as np

from openmc.checkvalue import check_type
from openmc.stats import Univariate

__all__ = [
    "DecayTuple", "ReactionTuple", "Nuclide", "FissionYield",

DecayTuple = namedtuple('DecayTuple', 'type target branching_ratio')
DecayTuple.__doc__ = """\
Decay mode information

type : str
    Type of the decay mode, e.g., 'beta-'
target : str or None
    Nuclide resulting from decay. A value of ``None`` implies the
    target does not exist in the currently configured depletion
branching_ratio : float
    Branching ratio of the decay mode

    DecayTuple.type.__doc__ = None = None
    DecayTuple.branching_ratio.__doc__ = None
except AttributeError:
    # Can't set __doc__ on properties on Python 3.4

ReactionTuple = namedtuple('ReactionTuple', 'type target Q branching_ratio')
ReactionTuple.__doc__ = """\
Transmutation reaction information

type : str
    Type of the reaction, e.g., 'fission'
target : str or None
    Nuclide resulting from reaction. A value of ``None``
    implies either no single target, e.g. from fission,
    or that the target nuclide is not considered
    in the current depletion chain
Q : float
    Q value of the reaction in [eV]
branching_ratio : float
    Branching ratio of the reaction

    ReactionTuple.type.__doc__ = None = None
    ReactionTuple.Q.__doc__ = None
    ReactionTuple.branching_ratio.__doc__ = None
except AttributeError:

[docs]class Nuclide: """Decay modes, reactions, and fission yields for a single nuclide. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional GNDS name of this nuclide, e.g. ``"He4"``, ``"Am242_m1"`` Attributes ---------- name : str or None Name of nuclide. half_life : float or None Half life of nuclide in [s]. decay_energy : float Energy deposited from decay in [eV]. n_decay_modes : int Number of decay pathways. decay_modes : list of openmc.deplete.DecayTuple Decay mode information. Each element of the list is a named tuple with attributes 'type', 'target', and 'branching_ratio'. n_reaction_paths : int Number of possible reaction pathways. reactions : list of openmc.deplete.ReactionTuple Reaction information. Each element of the list is a named tuple with attribute 'type', 'target', 'Q', and 'branching_ratio'. sources : dict Dictionary mapping particle type as string to energy distribution of decay source represented as :class:`openmc.stats.Univariate` yield_data : FissionYieldDistribution or None Fission product yields at tabulated energies for this nuclide. Can be treated as a nested dictionary ``{energy: {product: yield}}`` yield_energies : tuple of float or None Energies at which fission product yields exist """ def __init__(self, name=None): # Information about the nuclide = name self.half_life = None self.decay_energy = 0.0 # Decay paths self.decay_modes = [] # Reaction paths self.reactions = [] # Decay sources self.sources = {} # Neutron fission yields, if present self._yield_data = None def __repr__(self): n_modes, n_rx = self.n_decay_modes, self.n_reaction_paths return f"<Nuclide: {} ({n_modes} modes, {n_rx} reactions)>" @property def n_decay_modes(self): return len(self.decay_modes) @property def n_reaction_paths(self): return len(self.reactions) @property def yield_data(self): if self._yield_data is None: return None return self._yield_data @yield_data.setter def yield_data(self, fission_yields): if fission_yields is None: self._yield_data = None else: check_type("fission_yields", fission_yields, Mapping) if isinstance(fission_yields, FissionYieldDistribution): self._yield_data = fission_yields else: self._yield_data = FissionYieldDistribution(fission_yields) @property def yield_energies(self): if self._yield_data is None: return None return self.yield_data.energies
[docs] def add_decay_mode(self, type, target, branching_ratio): """Add decay mode to the nuclide Parameters ---------- type : str Type of the decay mode, e.g., 'beta-' target : str or None Nuclide resulting from decay. A value of ``None`` implies the target does not exist in the currently configured depletion chain branching_ratio : float Branching ratio of the decay mode """ self.decay_modes.append( DecayTuple(type, target, branching_ratio) )
[docs] def add_reaction(self, type, target, Q, branching_ratio): """Add transmutation reaction to the nuclide Parameters ---------- type : str Type of the reaction, e.g., 'fission' target : str or None Nuclide resulting from reaction. A value of ``None`` implies either no single target, e.g. from fission, or that the target nuclide is not considered in the current depletion chain Q : float Q value of the reaction in [eV] branching_ratio : float Branching ratio of the reaction """ self.reactions.append( ReactionTuple(type, target, Q, branching_ratio) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, element, root=None, fission_q=None): """Read nuclide from an XML element. Parameters ---------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element to read nuclide data from root : lxml.etree._Element, optional Root XML element for chain file (only used when fission product yields are borrowed from another parent) fission_q : None or float User-supplied fission Q value [eV]. Will be read from the element if not given Returns ------- nuc : openmc.deplete.Nuclide Instance of a nuclide """ nuc = cls() = element.get('name') # Check for half-life if 'half_life' in element.attrib: nuc.half_life = float(element.get('half_life')) nuc.decay_energy = float(element.get('decay_energy', '0')) # Check for decay paths for decay_elem in element.iter('decay'): d_type = decay_elem.get('type') target = decay_elem.get('target') if target is not None and target.lower() == "nothing": target = None branching_ratio = float(decay_elem.get('branching_ratio')) nuc.decay_modes.append(DecayTuple(d_type, target, branching_ratio)) # Check for sources for src_elem in element.iter('source'): particle = src_elem.get('particle') distribution = Univariate.from_xml_element(src_elem) nuc.sources[particle] = distribution # Check for reaction paths for reaction_elem in element.iter('reaction'): r_type = reaction_elem.get('type') Q = float(reaction_elem.get('Q', '0')) branching_ratio = float(reaction_elem.get('branching_ratio', '1')) # If the type is not fission, get target and Q value, otherwise # just set null values if r_type != 'fission': target = reaction_elem.get('target') if target is not None and target.lower() == "nothing": target = None else: target = None if fission_q is not None: Q = fission_q # Append reaction nuc.reactions.append(ReactionTuple( r_type, target, Q, branching_ratio)) fpy_elem = element.find('neutron_fission_yields') if fpy_elem is not None: # Check for use of FPY from other nuclide parent = fpy_elem.get('parent') if parent is not None: assert root is not None fpy_elem = root.find( f'.//nuclide[@name="{parent}"]/neutron_fission_yields' ) if fpy_elem is None: raise ValueError( "Fission product yields for {0} borrow from {1}, but {1} is" " not present in the chain file or has no yields.".format(, parent )) nuc._fpy = parent nuc.yield_data = FissionYieldDistribution.from_xml_element(fpy_elem) return nuc
[docs] def to_xml_element(self): """Write nuclide to XML element. Returns ------- elem : lxml.etree._Element XML element to write nuclide data to """ elem = ET.Element('nuclide') elem.set('name', if self.half_life is not None: elem.set('half_life', str(self.half_life)) elem.set('decay_modes', str(len(self.decay_modes))) elem.set('decay_energy', str(self.decay_energy)) for mode_type, daughter, br in self.decay_modes: mode_elem = ET.SubElement(elem, 'decay') mode_elem.set('type', mode_type) if daughter: mode_elem.set('target', daughter) mode_elem.set('branching_ratio', str(br)) # Write decay sources if self.sources: for particle, source in self.sources.items(): src_elem = source.to_xml_element('source') src_elem.set('particle', particle) elem.append(src_elem) elem.set('reactions', str(len(self.reactions))) for rx, daughter, Q, br in self.reactions: rx_elem = ET.SubElement(elem, 'reaction') rx_elem.set('type', rx) rx_elem.set('Q', str(Q)) if daughter is not None: rx_elem.set('target', daughter) if br != 1.0: rx_elem.set('branching_ratio', str(br)) if self.yield_data: fpy_elem = ET.SubElement(elem, 'neutron_fission_yields') if hasattr(self, '_fpy'): # Check for link to other nuclide data fpy_elem.set('parent', self._fpy) else: energy_elem = ET.SubElement(fpy_elem, 'energies') energy_elem.text = ' '.join(str(E) for E in self.yield_energies) self.yield_data.to_xml_element(fpy_elem) return elem
[docs] def validate(self, strict=True, quiet=False, tolerance=1e-4): """Search for possible inconsistencies The following checks are performed: 1) for all non-fission reactions and decay modes, does the sum of branching ratios equal about one? 2) for fission reactions, does the sum of fission yield fractions equal about two? Parameters ---------- strict : bool, optional Raise exceptions at the first inconsistency if true. Otherwise mark a warning quiet : bool, optional Flag to suppress warnings and return immediately at the first inconsistency. Used only if ``strict`` does not evaluate to ``True``. tolerance : float, optional Absolute tolerance for comparisons. Used to compare computed value ``x`` to intended value ``y`` as:: valid = (y - tolerance <= x <= y + tolerance) Returns ------- valid : bool True if no inconsistencies were found Raises ------ ValueError If ``strict`` evaluates to ``True`` and an inconistency was found See Also -------- openmc.deplete.Chain.validate """ msg_func = ("Nuclide {name} has {prop} that sum to {actual} " "instead of {expected} +/- {tol:7.4e}").format valid = True # check decay modes if self.decay_modes: sum_br = sum(m.branching_ratio for m in self.decay_modes) stat = 1.0 - tolerance <= sum_br <= 1.0 + tolerance if not stat: msg = msg_func(, actual=sum_br, expected=1.0, tol=tolerance, prop="decay mode branch ratios") if strict: raise ValueError(msg) elif quiet: return False warn(msg) valid = False if self.reactions: type_map = defaultdict(set) for reaction in self.reactions: type_map[reaction.type].add(reaction) for rxn_type, reactions in type_map.items(): sum_rxn = sum(rx.branching_ratio for rx in reactions) stat = 1.0 - tolerance <= sum_rxn <= 1.0 + tolerance if stat: continue msg = msg_func(, actual=sum_br, expected=1.0, tol=tolerance, prop=f"{rxn_type} reaction branch ratios") if strict: raise ValueError(msg) elif quiet: return False warn(msg) valid = False if self.yield_data: for energy, fission_yield in self.yield_data.items(): sum_yield = fission_yield.yields.sum() stat = 2.0 - tolerance <= sum_yield <= 2.0 + tolerance if stat: continue msg = msg_func(, actual=sum_yield, expected=2.0, tol=tolerance, prop=f"fission yields (E = {energy:7.4e} eV)") if strict: raise ValueError(msg) elif quiet: return False warn(msg) valid = False return valid
[docs]class FissionYieldDistribution(Mapping): """Energy-dependent fission product yields for a single nuclide Can be used as a dictionary mapping energies and products to fission yields:: >>> fydist = FissionYieldDistribution( ... {0.0253: {"Xe135": 0.021}}) >>> fydist[0.0253]["Xe135"] 0.021 Parameters ---------- fission_yields : dict Dictionary of energies and fission product yields for that energy. Expected to be of the form ``{float: {str: float}}``. The first float is the energy, typically in eV, that represents this distribution. The underlying dictionary maps fission products to their respective yields. Attributes ---------- energies : tuple Energies for which fission yields exist. Sorted by increasing energy products : tuple Fission products produced at all energies. Sorted by name. yield_matrix : numpy.ndarray Array ``(n_energy, n_products)`` where ``yield_matrix[g, j]`` is the fission yield of product ``j`` for energy group ``g``. See Also -------- * :meth:`from_xml_element` - Construction methods * :class:`FissionYield` - Class used for storing yields at a given energy """ def __init__(self, fission_yields): # mapping {energy: {product: value}} energies = sorted(fission_yields) # Get a consistent set of products to produce a matrix of yields shared_prod = set.union(*(set(x) for x in fission_yields.values())) ordered_prod = sorted(shared_prod) yield_matrix = np.empty((len(energies), len(shared_prod))) for g_index, energy in enumerate(energies): prod_map = fission_yields[energy] for prod_ix, product in enumerate(ordered_prod): yield_matrix[g_index, prod_ix] = prod_map.get(product, 0.0) self.energies = tuple(energies) self.products = tuple(ordered_prod) self.yield_matrix = yield_matrix def __len__(self): return len(self.energies) def __getitem__(self, energy): if energy not in self.energies: raise KeyError(energy) return FissionYield( self.products, self.yield_matrix[self.energies.index(energy)]) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.energies) def __repr__(self): return "<{} with {} products at {} energies>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.yield_matrix.shape[1], len(self.energies))
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml_element(cls, element): """Construct a distribution from a depletion chain xml file Parameters ---------- element : lxml.etree._Element XML element to pull fission yield data from Returns ------- FissionYieldDistribution """ all_yields = {} for yield_elem in element.iter("fission_yields"): energy = float(yield_elem.get("energy")) products = yield_elem.find("products").text.split() yields = map(float, yield_elem.find("data").text.split()) # Get a map of products to their corresponding yield all_yields[energy] = dict(zip(products, yields)) return cls(all_yields)
[docs] def to_xml_element(self, root): """Write fission yield data to an xml element Parameters ---------- root : lxml.etree._Element Element to write distribution data to """ for energy, yield_obj in self.items(): yield_element = ET.SubElement(root, "fission_yields") yield_element.set("energy", str(energy)) product_elem = ET.SubElement(yield_element, "products") product_elem.text = " ".join(map(str, yield_obj.products)) data_elem = ET.SubElement(yield_element, "data") data_elem.text = " ".join(map(str, yield_obj.yields))
[docs] def restrict_products(self, possible_products): """Return a new distribution with select products .. versionadded:: 0.12 Parameters ---------- possible_products : iterable of str Candidate pool of fission products. Existing products not contained here will not exist in the new instance Returns ------- FissionYieldDistribution or None A value of None indicates no values in ``possible_products`` exist in :attr:`products` """ overlap = set(self.products).intersection(possible_products) if not overlap: return None products = sorted(overlap) indices = np.searchsorted(self.products, products) # coerce back to dictionary to pass back to __init__ new_yields = {} for ene, yields in zip(self.energies, self.yield_matrix.copy()): new_yields[ene] = dict(zip(products, yields[indices])) return type(self)(new_yields)
[docs]class FissionYield(Mapping): """Mapping for fission yields of a parent at a specific energy Separated to support nested dictionary-like behavior for :class:`FissionYieldDistribution`, and allowing math operations on a single vector of yields. Can in turn be used like a dictionary to fetch fission yields. Supports multiplication of a scalar to scale the fission yields and addition of another set of yields. Does not support resizing / inserting new products that do not exist. Parameters ---------- products : tuple of str Sorted products for this specific distribution yields : numpy.ndarray Fission product yields for each product in ``products`` Attributes ---------- products : tuple of str Products for this specific distribution yields : numpy.ndarray Fission product yields for each product in ``products`` Examples -------- >>> import numpy >>> fy_vector = FissionYield( ... ("I129", "Sm149", "Xe135"), ... numpy.array((0.001, 0.0003, 0.002))) >>> fy_vector["Xe135"] 0.002 >>> new = FissionYield(fy_vector.products, fy_vector.yields.copy()) >>> fy_vector *= 2 >>> fy_vector["Xe135"] 0.004 >>> new["Xe135"] 0.002 >>> (new + fy_vector)["Sm149"] 0.0009 >>> dict(new) == {"Xe135": 0.002, "I129": 0.001, "Sm149": 0.0003} True """ def __init__(self, products, yields): self.products = products self.yields = yields def __contains__(self, product): ix = bisect.bisect_left(self.products, product) return ix != len(self.products) and self.products[ix] == product def __getitem__(self, product): ix = bisect.bisect_left(self.products, product) if ix == len(self.products) or self.products[ix] != product: raise KeyError(product) return self.yields[ix] def __len__(self): return len(self.products) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.products)
[docs] def items(self): """Return pairs of product, yield""" return zip(self.products, self.yields)
def __add__(self, other): """Add one set of fission yields to this set, return new yields""" if not isinstance(other, FissionYield): return NotImplemented new = FissionYield(self.products, self.yields.copy()) new += other return new def __iadd__(self, other): """Increment value from other fission yield""" if not isinstance(other, FissionYield): return NotImplemented self.yields += other.yields return self def __radd__(self, other): return self + other def __imul__(self, scalar): """Scale these fission yields by a real scalar""" if not isinstance(scalar, Real): return NotImplemented self.yields *= scalar return self def __mul__(self, scalar): """Return a new set of yields scaled by a real scalar""" if not isinstance(scalar, Real): return NotImplemented new = FissionYield(self.products, self.yields.copy()) new *= scalar return new def __rmul__(self, scalar): return self * scalar def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} containing {len(self)} products and yields>" def __deepcopy__(self, memo): result = FissionYield(self.products, self.yields.copy()) memo[id(self)] = result return result # Avoid greedy numpy operations like np.float64 * fission_yield # converting this to an array on the fly. Force __rmul__ and # __radd__. See issue #1492 __array_ufunc__ = None